Hail to the Victors Valient!

Center of the Diag

The weather forecast for Houston, Hail! Michigan came through and won the national championship. Harry even stayed up to watch the game in its entirety. We watched the game on some weird ESPN channel. It showed no commercials, and when the normal broadcast went to commercial break, it stayed on the field. On a positive note, it showed the halftime show. In lieu of commercials, we saw various on field award presentations. One of these awards were for teachers. Watching this caused Anne to remember a dream that she had had while she was still teaching.

In her dream she was subbing at the high school. A kid acted up in class and she called him out for it. This boy was on the football team and when coach heard about his behavior, he benched him for that night’s game. Our high school was small and fielding a football team was difficult. I remember going to see a game and at halftime, one of the players, still in his football uniform, joined the marching band as the tuba player. So, in this dream, when Anne heard that the student that she had called out had been benched, she felt compelled to take his place on the field, as a substitute sort of speak. Dressing for the game, she began to feel some trepidation. Especially, when she donned her shoulder pads. She remembered wondering, if she should take one or two Advil before the game.

Leave it to Beavers

Over the holidays we visited the Matthei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor. In addition to the festive season, they were also celebrating the return of the beavers. 150 years ago, beavers were trapped into extinction around Ann Arbor and this last fall signs of their return reappeared. These signs include numerous felled trees, a dam and their lodge. The gardeners have welcomed the beavers return, but the destruction that they create must give them some pause.

Pictured below is a Mississippi River beaver that we saw years ago. It is seen from above sitting at the foot of Mel Price lock and dam. It seemed stunned and just sat there longer than we cared to watch. It might have gone through one of the lock’s open sluice gates and had been knocked about doing so. What does a beaver say when it hits a concrete wall? Dam! Years earlier still, a quite young Daniel told us another dam related joke, “Mom, do you know that there are two meanings for the word dam? One is a concrete wall, while the other is a bad word. Do you know how you tell the difference between the two? When it is the wall, you say dam. When it is the bad word, you say DAM!”

The Beaver

Hail! to the Victors Valiant

Go Blue!

The champions of the west were victorious last night over Alabama in the Rose Bowl. Winning their semi-final game and securing their berth in next week’s championship. There they will face Washington, who also won their game last night. Of personal interest, Harry was happy with the win and happier still that it had been achieved before nine, so that he could go to bed on time. Out in Seattle, Jay has a “Come to Jesus” moment looming this coming Monday night. Next week, will she be rooting for Michigan or Washington? Youth wants to know! Anyway, if it does not come out the way that she wants, she can always give it that old college try and try again next season when Washington hosts Michigan during their inaugural season in the Big 10, or is it 14 or 18 now? 

In other college football news, reports of Texas State draining the stadium dry in their initial postseason appearance at the First Responders Bowl, may have been overblown. Reports said that the Texas State Bobcat’s side of the stadium ran out of beer by halftime. Not to be detoured, during halftime Bobcats fans crossed over to their opponent’s side of the stadium and by the end of the third quarter drank all of their beer too. Texas State has a reputation as a party school, but this alleged feat has been denied by the stadium’s concessionaire, who claimed that there was still plenty of beer available by the end of the game.