Common Tern

Common Tern

Common Tern

Our replacement 49″ flat-screen TV set arrived today. I got the FedEx guy to help me unbox it. I then set it up and lo and behold it worked. Thanks Dan and Dave, better late then never! Currently, it is sitting right in front of the couch on the coffee table, where it is too big and too close. I’m shopping online now for a console table that will go behind the other couch. We can put the new TV on top of it, where it will be out-of-the-way when we have company, but still quite viewable. I am now researching methods for hooking this TV up to the Internet and Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO.

I bicycled both today and yesterday. Even though the weather rose into the fifties, what with the wind, it didn’t feel that warm. Today’s ride mileage gives me a century for the month of January. I also checked my Fitbit and lo and behold I got another hundred for the month there too. This is certainly not my best start for a new year, but it is my best start for the last few years.

After today, I am rather pleased with myself. Although, it took a month, I was able to convince Newegg to do right by me. As I said before, my Mother would have been proud with me over that. She was always a fighter. I’m feeling a little tired tonight and a wee bit sore too, but it’s a good kind of sore. A soreness that I worked hard at to obtain.

2 thoughts on “Common Tern

    • If they are brain flakes, one must assume that Trump had brains to begin with and that stretches the limits of believability.

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