Engineer’s Week

Winter Memories

Winter Memories

This year’s Engineer’s Week has passed with little notice. I’m an engineer, but rather than dwell on the deeds of me and mine, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend the celebration to other members of the STEM community. In particular, I would like to recognize teachers, well really just one, a second grade math teacher, Anne. She is more than halfway through her gig as a long-term substitute, but she has thrown herself into the job as if her life-long career depended upon it. She works late most nights and then brings more work home afterwards. She works weekends and in her none too copious free time has taken up the mantle of campaigning for an upcoming school property tax increase. I’m singing her praises here, because I’m her biggest fan, but I can’t come closer to the truth than Ron D Smith has with his sardonic post, “My wife is a lazy liar”. I’ll just have to contend myself with cooking and cleaning and having dinner ready for whenever she gets home.

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