Nice Abs, But No Brains

Nice Abs, But No Brains

I could while away the hours
Conferrin’ with the flowers,
Consulting with the rain;
And my head I’d be a scratchin’
While my thoughts are busy hatchin’
If I only had a brain.
— The Wizard of Oz

In other cognitive news, we have spent most of the week examining Anne’s brain. Preliminary results are already in and show that yes, she does have a brain and further, she knows how to use it. My part in this endeavor is relatively minor. As her study partner I offer corroborative information on her current mental state. Since she is showing no signs of distress, the questionnaires that I fill out rather perfunctory and could be answered quite quickly, except that the study provided tablet had difficulty marking the boxes that I had selected. Most of the questions had to do with her abilities of self-care and other such day-to-day activities. Towards the end there were a couple of interesting questions, like does she hear voices or have imaginary friends, but I have not heard or seen any behavior like that, and I do not talk to those friends. All is well.

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