Making Art—Not for the Faint of Heart

Making Art—Not for the Faint of Heart

This is Dan, on set. He has been working hard building the set of the new show that will eventually replace Sleep No More. It is dirty work, but as you can see, he really gets into his job. Can you image the reaction of the other subway riders, when he plops down next to them at the end of his day? They are doing rehearsals now for the new show, so Dan and his crew of carpenters have to share the set that they are still building with the actors. This leads to odd work shifts. Something about power tools and stage dialog not playing very nicely with each other.

In other news, the coronavirus has struck. On Monday, David tested positive. He fortunately only has mild symptoms. This is good and I hope that he recovers quickly, and that the disease does not spread through the family, because we are planning on meeting them in Ann Arbor next week. Another note of caution is that Dan and Britt spent last weekend in Boston visiting Dave and Maren. 

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