Matisse and the Sea

Blue Nude I, Henri Matisse, 1947

Yesterday, we walked to the art museum. It was not near as crowded as the time before, during Art in Bloom. We saw the Matisse show, which was not a visiting show, but was created by the museum itself. I was impressed and I am sure that the art museum will lend it out, after this showing of it closes, as something to trade for other museum’s shows. This show covers the breath of his career, along with works from his contemporaries. Pictured is one of his cutouts, from late in his life, when the infirmities of age made painting too difficult, but he could still wield scissors.

David is in Florida today, on a weekend business trip to Universal Studios. It is part of his company’s fortieth anniversary celebration. Good work if you can find it. Maren’s folks, Kim and Bruce, came to Boston, to help her with the baby, just like we will be doing later this week, when it is her turn to travel. Declan is such a lucky boy to have six parents all to himself. 

Dance I, Henri Matisse, 1909

Recently, the New Yorker featured this more famous Matisse painting in its cartoon selection. It was captioned, “I gotta say, this is some weird book club.” This painting is hanging at MoMA, where we might see it, if we attempt to perform one of the New York Times 36 Hours marathon tours there. We’ll see.

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