Nink and Bob

Nink and Bob

Nink and Bob

Sunday was Earth Day in Saint Louis and I was going to write about it then, but I misfired on yesterday’s post and published it before I wrote anything. The post then became just a picture post. The weather was nice enough during the day and normally we would have been at the Earth Day festival in Forest Park, celebrating and if not exactly cleaning up the environment, at least emoting intentions to do so. Instead we were cleaning up our own immediate environment, in preparation for guest. Nink and Bob rolled into town at about nine, in-between waves of thunderstorms. The storms were rolling up from Arkansas, while our friends were rolling in from Kansas City. We had made a Ted Drewes run before they arrived, so we ate our concretes and talked way too late into the evening. It was a dark and stormy night, all night long.

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