Three Days in the Sun

Last week,we were looking forward to the weekend.  We were expecting friends to visit from out-of-town, but they couldn’t make it.  We were disappointed, we were looking forward to seeing them again.  Then last Friday, something totally unexpected and really quite extraordinary occurred.  This blog that we have been toiling at for almost two years (in relative obscurity I might add) was thrust into the limelight.  Inexplicably, WordPress had chosen RegenAxe as one of their Freshly Pressed blogs.  This occurred when they elected to feature last Friday’s post, The Bike Stalker.

This honor was compounded by the fact that we were chosen on a Friday.  This meant that RegenAxe was featured not just for one day, but instead for over three days.  This promotion resulted in over 5,000 hits and over fifty lovely and highly complementary comments.

We would like to publicly thank Joy and the rest of the staff at WordPress for selecting RegenAxe.  We would like to also thank the many viewers who looked at RegenAxe during this three-day window.  Most of all we would we would like to individually, but also publicly, thank some of the people who added their comments during this period of frenetic activity.  While the Freshly Pressed experience was going on, we were literally reeling and were not able to adequately respond to our reader’s responses.  Now that most of the hoopla has died down, it is time to acknowledge them.  Thank you:

In honor of this experience, I have frozen the once daily updated photo of My Favorite Photos, as Me and My Shadow.  To wrap up, thank you all again!  It was a great ride while it lasted.  We’ll just have to do it again sometime.  Maybe this time, I’ll be ready,

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