Bob Likes Poop

This is what Bob’s Facebook feed occasionally announces. It is usually an indication that he has been hacked. In general, this hacking is performed by his son, Andrew, who sometimes finds Bob’s computer unlocked and logged into Facebook. Hacking can’t get much easier than that. But, as the above photo corroborates, there is an element of truth to this claim. Bob has always liked walking their dog, Zoe, and as etiquette demands cleaned up after her, after she did her business. Now they have two dogs, so he must like it about twice as much as before. As Bob told us on a walk this morning, “It puts the rest of your day in perspective, when your first conscious act of the day is scooping up poop.”

Yesterday was certainly over the top, what with everybody running around, new iPhones, auto accident and Cunetto’s to top it off. Today was a little bit more laid back. The house guests started to depart today, but before they left, we had one more meal together. The menu was a combination of eggs and bacon and left over Cunetto’s pasta. After brunch, most people headed over to the Science Center. I went for a bike ride in the park. I got 21 miles. I did manage to rendezvous with Anne and Cece, and showed off my bicycling prowess. Anne then took Megs and Cece to the airport today. Bob and Nink, are off visiting other Saint Louis friends tonight, so it is pretty quiet tonight. Thank God! I was able to inoculate our guest with Mr. Bill’s great line, “Thanks for all the hostility.”

During Bob and Nink’s visit here we got caught up on all the news from Rochester. Our mutual friends, Dr. Alice and Chris, are in Japan now, attending one of Alice’s doctor conventions. Their oldest son Brian is halfway through a year-long commitment in Nepal. He is working in a school there. He has so far survived earthquakes and other adventures, and still has six months to go. Rene, the younger son, is scheduled to graduate from the Rochester Institute of Technology, this spring, with a degree in chemistry.