Pimping the Blog to Facebook

Over the last few months, since joining Facebook and then linking this blog to Facebook readership of this blog has steadily grown.  This blog is now currently running at two to three times the number of pre-Facebook era hits.  And this occurred after our infamous Canadian Viagra initiation to Facebook.  Our shared to Facebook email address book and account was hacked.  Sorry again folks.  So what’s next in the world of RegenAxe self promotion?  Maybe tweets?  You know how to tweet, don’t you?  You just put your lips together and … blow.

Dan’s Magic Devil Machine also known as his iPhone is in intensive care.  He was walking the beach/wading in the lake when a wave came up and slapped his pants pocket.  Until now his phone sits in a baggy filled with dried rice.  Today he should learn if this herbal remedy worked or not.  He needs to get reconnected, if only to conduct his personal business.  After all, the siren song of California is calling him.  Dan is seen below in the group shot enjoying what could be the last few days of a possibly doomed relationship with said iPhone.

Dave has been speaking with a researcher who is looking to fill a position that is very similar to what he is doing now.  Dave hopes that he might offer him a position.  This would give him something to do this coming school year.  If selected, he would be heading to Maryland.  He only started talking with the guy this week so it’s still pretty preliminary, but he is excited.  He has restarted his application process for graduate schools.  He is also considering taking a graduate class to help bolster his grad school applications.  All this summer he is working for his professor at the University of Rochester.  We’ll meet him in Michigan in August and then head to the Cabin together.

So the blog is happy, Dan not so much, Dave maybe yes?  But what about Anne and I you ask?  Well here in Saint Louis it is too damn hot.  We liked Damn Yankees.  We liked it even more that we saw it on Tuesday night instead of later this week, when it is supposed to be even hotter.  Don’t feel too sorry for us folks, we have a few more days to endure and then we’ll get some relief.

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