First to Final Cabin Flights

First Cabin Flight, DGI Inspire 2 in the Parking Lot

Dan got the Prius fixed this morning. I called around and mainly got ring-no-answer, answering machine or a real person who told me, maybe in a week or a month or so. Eventually, the Goodyear dealer enthusiastically answered the phone and said, “Come on down.” With dispatch, Dan and Britt went to town and quickly and cheaply got the engine splash cover reinstalled. Success was celebrated with lunches all around from Penney’s. This chore was completed quickly enough that there was time to fly the drone later today.

Dan and Britt hauled their drone case down the beach and flew around Doelle’s. They flew over the lighthouse keeper’s house again, but also they flew back into the swamp and saw the old lighthouse back there. I’ve seen the low-res dailies. It has long since collapsed, but is plainly visible, as is part of the stairs that were inside of it. Hopefully, at least a photo of it will grace this blog in the future. Along with the Doelle footage, Britt shot parts of the Green Tunnel Road and found it very nerve-wracking, but the dailies looked fantastic. 

This has been a super successful vacation for the drone-a-lots. First, they didn’t crash their drone. Second, they got lots of good footage. Third, they learned a lot in the process. Once they get their FAA licenses, they plan on compiling the new footage into an advertisement and then using it to market their services to the TV and movie industry. Dan has been working in the industry for years and wants to get out of carpentry, while he still has all of his fingers.

One impediment they have to overcome, is selecting a name for their company. They have been using a three word model as a working title. Aerial has to be one of the three words. It is an industry standard term that denotes drones. They have been cohabitating for the past few weeks, with a pair of avid birders and when they made last night’s pizza run they got a close-up view of a kestrel. As of now kestrel appears to have bubbled to the top in the mix. There are two types of kestrels, Common (no way) and American (maybe). American Kestrel Aerial (AKA), if abbreviated could be confused with Also-Known-As and there already is another kestrel aerial company. Last night, they were thinking of Brooklyn Kestrel Aerial, but didn’t want to be pigeonholed to one particular local. Anne suggested Lakeshore Kestrel Aerial and I forwarded Superior Kestrel Aerial, both of which Dan dismissively shortened to Lake Kestrel Aerial and Super Kestrel Aerial. Maybe, we should crowd source this search?

Tomorrow they leave the cabin. They are going to break up the drive with some camping at Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. After they leave, it will be white-tornado time for us, and then the day after, dawn launch and heading home. How about Coastal Kestrel Aerial? Looking forward to your suggestions. How about Questing Kestrel Aerial? Too much?

8 thoughts on “First to Final Cabin Flights

  1. Peregrine Aerial Videography
    Kestrel Aerial Videography
    Droning Kestrel
    Aerial Falcon Videography
    [something something Aerial]
    [Kestrel something something]

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