Raising the Roof

The Roofers

You got your foundation, your knees are bent, your back is straight, your arms are parallel to the floor, your hands are flexed, and you’re pushing the roof up, side to side. You can add your own flavor, your own song to it, whatever you want to do, make sure you raise that roof —Raise the Roof Dance Workout

Our plans for the day changed with a phone call. The roofers are coming! The roofers are coming! Anne and I were relieved from our production assistant duties, but Dan and Britt still headed out to film boats again near Clyde’s. We hung around the cabin to supervise the work. After they got their truck and trailer parked, it created a wall across the parking lot. I built a wall and Harry is going to pay for it. Anne was a little miffed that they called after I had already done laundry and hung her panties out on the line to dry and for everyone to see.

And there was Granny swinging on the outhouse door, without her nightie…

They took up all of the flashing around the roof’s edge. Laid down a layer of Styrofoam and then put the new vinyl sheeting down over it. They then re-flashed the edges and reinstalled a row of the main roof’s shingles, so that they overlapped the vinyl. I’m calling these materials vinyl and Styrofoam, because that’s what they look like, even if they have different formulations. The new roofing system is insulated and is supposed to hold heat and muffle 80% of the noise from rain. We’ll test this last assertion Saturday, when we are expecting half-an-inch of rain. I was cautioned by the roofers not to try to walk on the new roof when it is wet. This goes double for icy. It took four hours to do the work. 

They worked us today, because of a combination of yesterday’s rain and a need to load up on more roofing materials. They were out-of-town and couldn’t work yesterday, came home and got to stay an extra day at home, because they did us. This made them a happy work crew while working for us. We snagged a little bit of the vinyl to drape over the shed’s new padlock to protect it from the weather and enough extra for a sample that Jane can show to Harry. It looks nice.

Roof Inspection

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