Life’s a Beach

West Palm Beach

Sometime this year will be this blog’s tenth anniversary. If you had asked me at its inception, if I thought that I would still be blogging ten years hence, I would have probably said yes, not thinking about what that level of commitment would entail. That’s the beauty of blogging though, you take it one day at a time and let’s be frank, being a blogger is really not setting the bar all that high. Still, it is a pastime that I enjoy. I think that it is also a hobby that has improved me.

It has certainly improved my writing. My editor says so. My photography has gotten better too, but that might just be better equipment. More fundamentally, it has changed for the better how I look at and approach life. Not long after I began this endeavor, I soon came to the realization that I was mining my stock of life stories, at an unsustainable rate. There were days then when for the life of me I had nothing left to say. Heck, there are still days like that.

As a coping mechanism, I began to cultivate blog-worthy activities. It got me out and about. I never used to follow the arts, to the extent that I do now. With my cycling habit, I got outdoors often enough, but with the blog, I stop more, to smell the roses now. Now that I’ve retired, I believe that I’ve taken my search for life and then telling all about it, to the next level. My travels certainly give me a rich catalog of new and varied content. Would I have visited all of the places that I have been without this blog? Maybe, but then you never would have heard about it. The actual tenth anniversary is in May, but I’ll be too busy then to write any post as introspective as this one. Here’s to the life ephemeral!

11 thoughts on “Life’s a Beach

  1. wow, very impressive. i think you might be right about being a blog author. it does encourage you to participate more fully in life. a win-win.

  2. Now that I suddenly have more time on my hands, I have been toying with the idea of blogging. How does one begin?

    • All blogs use WordPress software as in I use, which is a lot like Facebook for me, but also represents many magazines. There is also Square Space. Most services are free to start. Although, I now pay $100 per year for unique URL, no ads and more storage. I would imagine that a photo blog is more your cup of tea. I did not go that way.

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