Page, AZ

Antelope Canyon

We left Bryce and headed back to Zion last night. Today, we left Zion and arrived in Page, AZ, where it is hot, hot, hot. While hot it is great to be back in the wet, after enduring almost two weeks of only three-two beer. 

We visited the Glen Canyon dam. Their gift shop featured many Edward Abbey titles, but not his novel, The Monkey Wrench Gang, which involved a plot by environmentalists to blowup the dam. We visited Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River, where an Indian (Asian) women had to be rescued, because of the heat. We’ve seen way too many rescues on this trip. The most terrifying ones were in Zion, where a helicopter that could not land at pickup, had to return to base with the victims dangling fifty feet below it. 

The high point of the day was our visit to Antelope Canyon. This famous slot canyon is located on Navajo land and they run the tours. It was great! Our guide took the above photo. Starting next month the monsoon rains arrive. Bring with them floodwaters that can rise to the top of the photo.

7 thoughts on “Page, AZ

  1. While Mark did not find The Monkeywrench Gang at the bookstore at the Glen Canyon Dam, I did find it at the Page Public library where we sought respite from the heat for an hour or so.

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